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Exhibitions and versions


At the National Gallery of Ireland between 1864 and about 1900; NG 2010;2 New York 2010–11 (17 B); NG 2011 (17 B).


Several painted versions are known. None corresponds precisely with NG1888. In some, the Child’s right arm is lowered:

1. Formerly Brussels, collection of Baron Descamps, sold at Sotheby’s, London, 15 April 1999, lot 36. Oil on oak, 30.5 x 24.5 cm, with the same inscription as the original and: IOANNES MALBODIVS INVENIT 1527 (fig.1). The Virgin’s dress is brownish, and may have been painted with smalt that has discoloured (compare the version in Munich, described below). It may originally have been purple or bright blue.

fig.1 Copy after Jean Gossart, ‘Virgin and Child’, oak panel, 30.5 x 24.5 cm © Photo courtesy of the owner

2. Munich, Alte Pinakothek, WAF 306. Oil on oak, 30.6 x 24.5 cm, with the same inscription as the original and: IOANNES MALBODIVS PINGEBAT 1527 (fig.2). The paint of the Virgin’s dress contains deteriorated smalt and ‘may have had more of a “couleur changeant” red/blue effect, but has turned brown owing to the discoloration of the smalt’.3

fig.2 Copy after Jean Gossart, ‘Virgin and Child’, oak panel, 30.6 x 24.5 cm © Photo Scala, Florence / bpk / Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen

In others, the Child’s right arm is raised:

3. Sold by Lempertz, Cologne, 16 May 2009, lot 1015. Oil on oak, 28.8 x 23 cm, with the same inscription as the original and, on the bench on our right of the Virgin’s left thigh, 1522 (the date in its present form being clearly spurious).

4. Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Gemäldegalerie, inv. no. 942. Oil on panel, 30.5 x 24 cm (without later additions on both sides and below), with the same inscription as the original (fig.3).

fig.3 After Jean Gossart, ‘Virgin and Child’, oak panel, 30.5 x 24 cm © KHM, Vienna

Further Sections

2. Wieseman 2010, p. 20.

3. Jan Schmidt, cited in Ainsworth et al. 2010, p. 179 note 10.