On-demand films for Members
Exclusive and specially curated films for Members to watch online
Exclusive and specially curated films for Members to watch online
Dive into an exclusive and specially curated, ever-growing selection of films featuring exhibitions and highlights from our collection.
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See how Ralph Wornum, the Keeper of the National Gallery, and his wife, as well as their 14 children, lived in the Gallery.
Step back in time to 1987 and experience ‘The Artist’s Eye’ – an exhibition personally curated by artist Lucian Freud – through a virtual recreation.
See the consequences of artist Richard Wilson’s 18th-century rule breaking and the challenges it presents for restorers today.
National Treasures: 10-minute film series
Chiara di Stefano explores ‘The Water-Lily Pond' by Monet. Find out more
National Treasures: 10-minute film series
Belle Smith introduces us to a rainy day in Paris, in 'The Umbrellas'. Find out more
National Treasures: 10-minute film series
Mary McMahon reveals how radical the 'The Hay Wain' picture was at the time it was painted. Find out more
National Treasures: 10-minute film series
Francesca Whitlum-Cooper argues that this painting is like going to an early Beatles concert in the 1960s. Find out more
National Treasures: 10-minute film series
Explore the themes of love and harmony in Vermeer's Young Woman Standing at a Virginal.
National Treasures: 10-minute film series
Take a close look at Velázquez’s only surviving female nude and one of his most celebrated works, 'The Rokeby Venus'. Find out more
National Treasures: 10-minute film series
Discover Rembrandt's brilliance as we delve into the captivating details of his self-portrait at the age of 34. Find out more
National Treasures: 10-minute film series
Delve into the profound depth and captivating realism of Artemisia Gentileschi's 'Self Portrait as Saint Catherine of Alexandria.' Find out more
National Treasures: 10-minute film series
Explore the dramatic intensity and realism of Baroque art through Caravaggio's masterpiece, 'The Supper at Emmaus.' Find out more
National Treasures: 10-minute film series
Discover the art and mythology of Renaissance Florence with Botticelli's iconic 'Venus and Mars.' Find out more
National Treasures: 10-minute film series
Learn about the cultural and historical significance of 'The Wilton Diptych', one of the National Gallery's best-loved treasures. Find out more
National Treasures: 10-minute film series
Learn about the drama and history of 'The Fighting Temeraire', one of the National Gallery's best-loved treasures. Find out more.