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  1. NGA3/3/3; NG35/69
    [c1970] - 1973
    Notes of Philip Hendy's visits to Israel; draft of a paper on the Museum buildings; a press cutting (nd); a letter from Hendy to the Editor of The Times re Israel's security (1973); a letter from Teddy Kollek (Mayor of Jerusalem) to Hendy (1973) and ...
  2. NGA3/3/4; NG35/70-71
    Photographs taken in connection with Hendy's work for the Israel Museum.
  3. NGA3/3/4/1; NG35/70
    27 Mar 1968
    Guest list and 4 black & white photographs of a dinner held at the Dorchester Hotel in London. [Copyright: Sidney Harris, Holland Park Mews]
  4. NGA3/3/4/2; NG35/72
    15 black and white photographs [Copyright: Photo-Emka; Itzhak Amit; Israel Museum]
  5. NGA3/3/5; NG35/72
    Booklet 'Israel Museum Master Plan - Extension 2' for the International Board of Directors, Third Session, 23-24 June 1969. And a plan showing the phases of development, 1971
  6. NGA3/4; NG35/73-102
    Throughout his career Philip Hendy wrote and lectured on a wide range of art historical subjects. Between 1923 and 1974 he wrote or contributed to over fifteen books and had many articles published. He also broadcast regularly for the BBC and ...
  7. NGA3/4/1; NG35/73-75
    This sub-series contains copies of newspaper and journal articles written by Philip Hendy. They are arranged in alphabetical order according to the title of the publication or newspaper
  8. NGA3/4/1/1; NG35/73-75
    Jul-Dec 1941
    Four articles about Temple Newsam House, Leeds, in Apollo
  9. NGA3/4/1/2; NG35/73-75
    One article in Art in America (1930); three articles in Art News (1953-1954); off print of an article in Arte Veneta (1953)
  10. NGA3/4/1/3; NG35/73-75
    Seven articles

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