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  1. NGA3/3/2/2; NG35/59
    Correspondence re donations and possible donations
  2. NGA3/3/2/3; NG35/60
    File includes: Philip Hendy's proposals for a new Italian Renaissance Room; discussions about acquisitions and donations of works for the Room; 15 black and white photographs of possible acquisitions of items of furniture, bas relief, and 5 panels ...
  3. NGA3/3/2/4; NG35/61
    Correspondence re the purchase and transport of the sculpture and a photograph of it installed outside the museum
  4. NGA3/3/2/5; NG35/62
    Correspondence with Dalva Brothers, New York, re the proposal to purchase an 18th century English pine room by Sir William Chambers from Sudbury Hall Derbyshire (Baron Vernon). Includes photographs and scale plans.
  5. NGA3/3/2/6; NG35/63
    Correspondence with contacts in USA re strategy and itinerary
  6. NGA3/3/2/7; NG35/64
    Negotiations re the donation by Michael Harari of his collection of Japanese items, and his endowment of an Asian Pavilion
  7. NGA3/3/2/8; NG35/65
    Discussions re the offer of three collections of Oriental art [Fiacchi-Cisondi, Pins, Orgler], and proposals to secure donations for a Far Eastern pavilion
  8. NGA3/3/2/9; NG35/66
    Correspondence with Oscar Joseph regarding his gift of funds for the purchase of Edward Lear's 'View of Bethlehem' and 'View of Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives' for the English Room
  9. NGA3/3/2/10; NG35/67
    The correspondence relates to arrangement for Herman's trip to London.
  10. NGA3/3/2/11; NG35/68
    Includes a catalogue of her exhibition at the Israel Museum (Spring 1973)

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