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  1. NGA3/2/3/33; NG35/53
    Correspondence and itinerary. See NGA3/2/3/24 for Hendy's diary of this visit
  2. NGA3/2/3/34; NG35/136
    Copy of the catalogue, in Italian, with extensive annotations by Philip Hendy giving his observations on works in the exhibition.
  3. NGA3/3; NG35/54-73
    The Israel Museum was established in Jerusalem in 1965. Its collections include archaeology of the Holy Land, Judaica and fine art ranging from European Old Masters to contemporary art. In April 1968 Hendy was appointed by UNESCO as an expert ...
  4. NGA3/3/1; NG35/54-57
    Philip Hendy was a member of the Executive Committee of the Israel Museum 1970-1972, and the International Board of Governors 1970-1972. The Executive Committee was responsible for internal policy and for making recommendations to the Minhala ...
  5. NGA3/3/1/1; NG35/54
    Minutes of the Executive Committee and the minutes of one Curators Meeting
  6. NGA3/3/1/2; NG35/55
    Includes Memorandum from the Executive Committee on staff representation, and extracts from Minhala minutes discussing staff representation
  7. NGA3/3/1/3; NG35/56
    Israel Museum's report on the first five years of its activities, written by the Executive Committee. The file includes drafts for report; departmental reports, 1968-1969; and Hendy's recommendations for the enlargement of the laboratories, 1969
  8. NGA3/3/1/4; NG35/57
    Proceedings of the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Sessions. Includes the text of Philip Hendy's speech to the International Board (1970)
  9. NGA3/3/2; NG35/58-68
    Miscellaneous correspondence generated in the course of Hendy's work for the Israel Museum. This sub-series contains correspondence and related papers re administration of Israel Museum, and in connection with Hendy's work to secure acquisitions, ...
  10. NGA3/3/2/1; NG35/58
    Includes: outline of duties of the artistic adviser; correspondence re role of Director General; a list of curatorial staff and discussion of their roles; the establishment of a department to display contemporary design

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