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  1. NGA3/2/3/23; NG35/45
    Aug-Sep 1954
    Including: Mougins, Corso, Empoli, Sienna, San Gimignano, Assisi, Perugia, Florence
  2. NGA3/2/3/24; NG35/46
    Mar 1955
    At the back of the diary there are some undated notes on the Thyssen Collection. See NGA3/2/3/33 for correspondence re this visit
  3. NGA3/2/3/25; NG35/47
    Jun-Jul 1955
    Includes schedule of visits and notes on works of art
  4. NGA3/2/3/26; NG35/48
    Apr 1956
    Including works in the Capilla Real, Granada
  5. NGA3/2/3/27; NG35/49
    May-Jun 1957
    Includes schedule of visits and notes on works of art
  6. NGA3/2/3/28; NG35/50
    Sep 1963
    Loose pages enclosed. Some pages are annotated in red ink - '59 and '63
  7. NGA3/2/3/29; NG35/51
    Itinerary and notes on works of art seen in the USA
  8. NGA3/2/3/30; NG35/52
    Sep-Oct 1948
    Correspondence and papers re the organisation of a trip to New York
  9. NGA3/2/3/31; NG35/52
    Dec 1953-Jan 1954
    Correspondence and papers relating to an invitation from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, to Philip Hendy to be a guest at the Congress to be held on 3-21 Jan 1954. Includes schedule and note re side trips to Boston, Hartford, Worcester, ...
  10. NGA3/2/3/32; NG35/52; NG6322
    Aug-Sep 1961
    Correspondence and papers, for a scheduled trip to the Congress in New York. Hendy was not able to attend in the end due to the theft of the Goya [Francisco de Goya 'The Duke of Wellington' (NG6322)] but his paper was read in his absence. The text ...

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