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Your archive search returned 256 results

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  1. NGA3/2/3/13; NG35/35
    Sep 1951
    Includes schedule of visits and notes on works of art
  2. NGA3/2/3/14; NG35/36
    Oct 1951
    Includes schedule of visits and notes on works of art
  3. NGA3/2/3/15; NG35/37
    Apr 1952
    Includes schedule of visits and notes on works of art
  4. NGA3/2/3/16; NG35/38
    May 1952
    Includes schedule of visits and notes on works of art
  5. NGA3/2/3/17; NG35/39
    May 1952
    Includes schedule of visits and notes on works of art
  6. NGA3/2/3/18; NG35/40
    May-Jun 1952
    Includes schedule of visits and notes on works of art
  7. NGA3/2/3/19; NG35/41
    Oct-Nov 1952
    Includes schedule of visits and notes on works of art
  8. NGA3/2/3/20; NG35/42
    Jun-Jul 1953
    Including Paris, Rome, Sicily (Messina and Syracuse), Orvieto, Cortona, Genoa, Milan and Venice
  9. NGA3/2/3/21; NG35/43
    Jan 1954
    New York, Newhaven (Conn.), Providence (RI), Worcester (Mass), Sturbridge (Mass), Hartford (Conn.), Farmington (Conn.), Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington DC, Sarasota (Fla.). See also correspondence in NGA3/2/3/31
  10. NGA3/2/3/22; NG35/44
    Jun 1954
    With annotated catalogue for 'Il Mostra de Dipinti Restauranti' (Salle Dell'Academia di Lettere, Perugia, Palazzo Donnini, May-June 1954)

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