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  1. NGA3/2/1/6; NG35/9
    File is missing. Collection of cuttings about PH and the NG. Subjects include The National Gallery 1938-1954, 1955; purchase of Cézanne's Les Grandes Baigneuses, 1964-1965; the Turner bequest, 1960; trial of Kempton Bunton (Goya thief), 1965 and ...
  2. NGA3/2/1/7; NG35/10
    Papers relating to the constitution of The National Gallery. Includes drafts and notes for the 'Director's Memorandum on the Constitution' (nd) and draft report 'The National Gallery as an Administrative Problem' (1960)
  3. NGA3/2/1/8; NG35/11
    Manuscript report on Air Raid Precautions, annotated 'Confidential to Director'
  4. NGA3/2/1/9; NG35/12
    Alphabetical list of pictures offered to The National Gallery and rejected between 1894 and 1958, and an undated earlier version. List of grant-in-aid and special grants awarded to the Gallery, compiled in 1958.
  5. NGA3/2/1/10; NG35/13; NG6322
    Correspondence about the theft, in 1961, of Goya's portrait of the Duke of Wellington and its return in 1965. Also, correspondence re interviews and books on the subject
  6. NGA3/2/1/11; NG35/14; NG6322
    Incomplete draft of Philip Hendy's letter to the Chairman of the Board of Trustees regarding his position in the light of the theft of Goya's portrait of the Duke of Wellington in August 1961. Also, Director's copy of the 'Report of the Enquiry into ...
  7. NGA3/2/1/12; NG35/15
    Correspondence and press cuttings relating to Philip Hendy's resignation in 1967. Includes a copy of an interview in The Times summing up his career at The National Gallery
  8. NGA3/2/1/13; NG35/16
    Hendy's agendas for the monthly Board meeting (except August and September). Includes his views and suggestions, references to picture cleaning, his retirement and his succession. Also includes list of invitees to the National Gallery party, ...
  9. NGA3/2/1/14; NG35/137
    Leather-bound volume (5 pages) produced to commemorate Philip Hendy's retirement on 31 Dec 1967. It includes the signatures of members of the Board of Trustees. Also includes personal correspondence and a menu relating to his retirement dinner.
  10. NGA3/2/1/15; NG35/137
    Dec 1967-Jan 1968
    Correspondence re Philip Hendy's retirement gift and letters received by Hendy in reply to his letters of thanks for his farewell present

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