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  1. NG32/75; NG15
    Held in the Board Room. There are no records for this exhibition.
  2. NG32/76; NG1
    Held in the Board Room. There are no records for this exhibition.
  3. NG32/77; NG654
    Held in the Board Room as part of Museums Week. There are no records for this exhibition.
  4. NG32/78; NG297.1
    Held in the Board Room. There are no records for this exhibition.
  5. NG32/79
    Held in the Board Room to mark the bicentenary of Canaletto's death. There are no records for this exhibition.
  6. NG32/80
    Held in the Board Room. There are no records for this exhibition.
  7. NG32/81
    Held in the Board Room. There are no records for this exhibition.
  8. NG32/82
    Held in the Board Room. There are no records for this exhibition.
  9. NG32/83; NG35
    11 Jul 1950-16 Sep 1969
    The exhibition featured the recently cleaned Titian and was held in the Board Room.
  10. NG32/83/1; NG16/79.1; NG35
    11 Jul 1950-18 Aug 1967
    Correspondence for and against the cleaning of 'Bacchus and Ariadne'; correspondence with members of the 'International Committee on the care of Titian's "Bacchus and Ariadne"'.

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