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Hilaire-Germain-Edgar Degas, 'Head of a Woman', about 1873

Key facts
Full title Head of a Woman
Artist Hilaire-Germain-Edgar Degas
Artist dates 1834 - 1917
Date made about 1873
Medium and support Oil on canvas
Dimensions 17.5 × 19.7 cm
Acquisition credit On loan from Tate: Presented by A.E. Anderson through the Art Fund 1924
Inventory number L701
Location Not on display
Image copyright On loan from Tate: Presented by A.E. Anderson through the Art Fund 1924, © 2000 Tate
Collection Main Collection
Head of a Woman
Hilaire-Germain-Edgar Degas

Degas produced a large number of portraits, mainly before 1875, around three-quarters of which are of women. The woman in this painting has not been identified, and was probably one of the artist's models.

The canvas may have been part of a larger canvas which was cut down.

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