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French (?), 'The Val de Villé, Vosges', 1830s

Key facts
Full title View looking into the Val de Villé in the Vosges, France
Artist French (?)
Date made 1830s
Medium and support Oil on paper laid on canvas
Dimensions 27.9 × 38.5 cm
Acquisition credit The Gere Collection, on long-term loan to the National Gallery
Inventory number L834
Location On loan: Gere Collection Paintings to the Ashmolean (2024 - 2026), The Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology, Oxford, UK
Image copyright The Gere Collection, on long-term loan to the National Gallery, © Private collection 2000. Used by permission
Collection Main Collection
The Val de Villé, Vosges
French (?)

The inscription on the original stretcher of this sketch tells us that it is of the Val de Villé, a valley in the Bas-Rhin region of Alsace in France. The numbers in the inscription probably refer to the date and the time of day at which the sketch was painted, which was early morning in the month of October (the number '8' being written as shorthand for the Latin 'octo'). The light is rendered with even layers of buttery whites and beiges, on top of which the artist has painted passing clouds with quick flicks of his brush.

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