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Stories of Art Taster: Giotto and the Scrovegni Chapel

Join us for this free session with tutor Siân Walters to gain a taste of our upcoming 'Stories of Art: 1250-1400' course. Get to know the course content and your expert tutor, and experience a session before you choose to enrol and dive into the full paid course schedule
Monday, 16 September 2024
4 - 5 pm BST
Available online only


The frescoes by Giotto di Bondone, often described as the father of European painting, that cover the walls of the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua, constitute one of the most important picture cycles in the history of art, and represent a major turning point in Western painting. Why was this?  

Join us for a free taster session as we examine what exactly makes Giotto’s art so innovative, exploring not only his radical approach to pictorial space and execution but also story-telling. Whereby perhaps for the first time in Western Art, people could witness their own emotions and experiences in the scenes depicted before them. We trace the history of the building and its patron, Enrico Scrovegni, and explore each of the three cycles contained within: ‘The Life of Joachim and Anna’, ‘The Life of the Virgin’ and ‘The Life of Christ’.  

Find out more about 'Stories of art' and upcoming modules. 

Image: Detail from Giotto and Workshop, 'Pentecost', probably about 1310-18

Your Tutor

Siân Walters is an art historian and the director of Art History in Focus. She studied at Selwyn College, Cambridge University and has been a lecturer at the National Gallery for over 20 years. Her specialist areas of research are Italian painting, Spanish art and architecture, Flemish and Dutch painting and the relationship between dance and art. Siân also lectures for The Wallace Collection and The Arts Society and leads specialist art tours abroad. She was a lecturer at Surrey University for many years and has lived and worked in France and Venice. 


Stories of Art Taster: Giotto and the Scrovegni Chapel

Join us for this free session with tutor Siân Walters to gain a taste of our upcoming 'Stories of Art: 1250-1400' course. Get to know the course content and your expert tutor, and experience a session before you choose to enrol and dive into the full paid course schedule
Monday, 16 September 2024
4 - 5 pm BST
Available online only


Standard: £0

Please book a ticket to access the event. You will receive an E-ticket with instructions on how to access your online events, films and resources via your National Gallery account. 

Please note, only one ticket can be booked per account. Bookings close ten minutes before the event.