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200 Creators

Equality, diversity and inclusion form

We are committed to eliminating discrimination in the arts and one of the tools we have to do this is in monitoring who our services reach. The following questions tell us a bit more about you. Sharing this information can be very personal and so all the following questions are optional, but if answered, they would be used to understand whom we engage with and who our services reach or not. This is a way of ensuring we are held accountable if we fail to serve members of our society equally.

The information is only used for statistical purposes and we won’t use this information in a way that allows individuals to be identified either at application level or afterwards.

* Required fields
Which of these cultural/ethnic groups do you identify with through parentage or ancestry? Choose as many as feel right for you

Do you have any of the following disabilities, long-term conditions or impairments? Select all that apply: