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Giorgione and not Giorgione: The Conservation History and Technical Examination of 'Il Tramonto'

Jill Dunkerton
Technical Bulletin Volume 31, 2010


Giorgione’s canvas painting known as Il Tramonto has undergone three restorations since its discovery in a neglected and damaged condition in the early 1930s. Each of these restorations has altered the appearance and content of the painting, resulting in confusion as to what is original and what is the result of interventions by restorers.

In this article the conservation history is reconstructed in conjunction with a detailed examination supported by techniques such as X-radiography and infrared reflectography. This has made possible a more precise identification of the restored areas, but also provides evidence in support of the attribution of the original parts to Giorgione.


Giorgione, canvas painting, restoration, X-radiography, infrared reflectography, underdrawing, pigments

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Giorgione and not Giorgione: The Conservation History and Technical Examination of 'Il Tramonto', Jill Dunkerton (PDF 29.35MB)

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Dunkerton, J., 2010. 'Giorgione and not Giorgione: The Conservation History and Technical Examination of "Il Tramonto'''. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 31, pp 42–63.

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