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The Multi-Purpose Low Pressure Conservation Table

Anthony Reeve, Paul Ackroyd and Ann Stephenson-Wright
Technical Bulletin Volume 12, 1988


A multi-purpose low pressure conservation table is being used primarily for paste and wax-resin linings of paintings at the National Gallery, London. The table is also capable of newer techniques, including vacuum-envelope linings, cold-linings, and contact or electrostatic-hold linings. The advantages of different lining techniques are summarised. Physical characteristics of the table are discussed and the testing procedures for pressure, temperature, humidification, and drying are described. The treatments on the table of four paintings are summarised.


drying, England (London), humidification, lining, paintings, paste

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The Multi-Purpose Low Pressure Conservation Table, Anthony Reeve, Paul Ackroyd and Ann Stephenson-Wright (PDF 10.9MB)

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Reeve, A., Ackroyd, P., Stephenson-Wright, A. 'The Multi-Purpose Low Pressure Conservation Table'. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 12, pp 4–15.

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