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Paul Cezanne, 'The Painter's Father, Louis-Auguste Cezanne', about 1865

Key facts
Full title The Painter's Father, Louis-Auguste Cezanne
Artist Paul Cezanne
Artist dates 1839 - 1906
Date made about 1865
Medium and support oil on painted plaster, later mounted on canvas
Dimensions 167.6 × 114.3 cm
Acquisition credit Bought, 1968
Inventory number NG6385
Location Not on display
Collection Main Collection
The Painter's Father, Louis-Auguste Cezanne
Paul Cezanne

An older man sits, legs crossed and head bowed, absorbed in his reading. This is Cezanne’s father, Louis-Auguste. He was probably in his early sixties when his son painted this portrait directly onto an alcove wall in the salon of Jas de Bouffan, the country residence outside Aix-en-Provence that Louis-Auguste had bought in 1859.

A photograph said to have been taken in 1905 shows the portrait still in place, flanked by four paintings of the seasons (Petit Palais, Paris).

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