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Paul Cezanne, 'Hillside in Provence', about 1890-2

Key facts
Full title Hillside in Provence
Artist Paul Cezanne
Artist dates 1839 - 1906
Date made about 1890-2
Medium and support oil on canvas
Dimensions 63.5 × 79.4 cm
Acquisition credit Bought, Courtauld Fund, 1926
Inventory number NG4136
Location Room 41
Collection Main Collection
Hillside in Provence
Paul Cezanne

The wall of angular, jutting rock formations in this painting may represent a quarry, with the cuttings revealing geological strata. While the hillside is somewhere in Cezanne’s native Provence, the specific location has not been conclusively identified.

Stylistically, the painting relates to scenes of the landscape around Aix-en-Provence that Cezanne was painting in the mid-1880s.

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