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Imitator of David Teniers the Younger, 'Personification of Autumn (?)', after 1644

Key facts
Full title Personification of Autumn (?)
Artist Imitator of David Teniers the Younger
Artist dates 1610 - 1690
Date made after 1644
Medium and support oil on wood
Dimensions 16.4 × 12.4 cm
Acquisition credit Wynn Ellis Bequest, 1876
Inventory number NG953
Location Not on display
Collection Main Collection
Previous owners
Personification of Autumn (?)
Imitator of David Teniers the Younger

This painting of a man wearing a jaunty, feathered cap and holding up a glass of beer, a refill jug in his other hand, has historically been called ‘The Toper’. This was a popular term for a drinker or a drunkard, and a relatively common subject in Dutch and Flemish painting. However, it is possible that the figure is in fact a personification of Autumn, deriving from a series of four paintings of the seasons by the Flemish artist David Teniers the Younger (also in the National Gallery’s collection). Teniers' Autumn is a drinker who raises a glass of wine.

This picture has previously been attributed to Teniers, who was the most famous seventeenth-century painter of peasant life, but its lesser quality suggests that it is the work of one of his many followers.

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