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Giovanni-Battista Camuccini, 'Ariccia', about 1850

Key facts
Full title Ariccia
Artist Giovanni-Battista Camuccini
Artist dates 1819 - 1904
Date made about 1850
Medium and support Oil on paper laid on a plastic support
Dimensions 24.2 × 33.4 cm
Acquisition credit The Gere Collection, on long-term loan to the National Gallery
Inventory number L805
Location On loan: Gere Collection Paintings to the Ashmolean (2024 - 2026), The Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology, Oxford, UK
Image copyright The Gere Collection, on long-term loan to the National Gallery, © Private collection 2000. Used by permission
Collection Main Collection
Giovanni-Battista Camuccini

Camuccini chose to sketch the old town of Ariccia in Italy from a hillside covered in scrub looking up a dusty track to the backs of humble stone buildings. Plaster is peeling, vines climb the walls and grass sprouts from rooftops. On the left the hillside falls away abruptly into forest and thick undergrowth. Camuccini lavishes attention on the textures of the walls and the dry foliage. At the upper right, rising above the tumble-down roofs, is the hemispherical dome and belfry of the church designed by the architect Gianlorenzo Bernini (1598 - 1680), which glimmers in the sunlight.

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