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Prepare your Articulation presentation

Choose your subject

Articulation talks are based on a work of art, a piece of architecture or an artefact. Film, performance art, installation art, sculpture, illustration, ceramics, jewellery, photography, relics are all welcome.

Students should select one work, or a cohesive series of works, by the same artist, architect or maker. Other artworks can be discussed to support the discussion.

The title of the talk must only contain the name of the artist, the title and date of the artwork being discussed. For example: William Blake, 'I want! I want!', 1793

Watch and learn from others

You can watch videos of previous Articulation talks on our YouTube channel, but remember, these presentations have been practised many times and polished over several weeks.

This is a YouTube video player. Below the video are the title, view time and description. Below that is a carousel of video thumbnails. Clicking a thumbnail will load and play that video.


Three things that make a good Articulation talk

1. Delivery

Clarity, accessibility and your ability to engage with
both the audience and the chosen artwork.

2. Structure

Cohesion, progress, theme, conclusion and timing.

3. Content

Research, methodology, creative and original
thought and use of illustrations. 

This is the framework the adjudicator has when listening to Articulation talks. The adjudicator will also consider the speaker's original approach and unique potential.

An Articulation talk should be students' own work and reflect their own approach and personal response. A good talk gives the listeners a deeper insight into, and enthusiasm for, the artwork being discussed.

Visuals: Articulation talks should be accompanied by a PowerPoint presentation with visual examples to support the discussion.

Time keeping is key: A talk should be between 7-10 minutes and no longer!

Get inspired

Visit local art galleries, museums, exhibitions and architectural spaces to get inspiration. Students should try and get first-hand experience and observation of the art. Our website has a list of museums and galleries organised by area.

Practise, practise, practise

The best thing a student can do is practise, to a teacher, friend, a class or the whole school. Students should be given encouraging, constructive and supportive feedback.

Articulation is about public speaking. Students should not read from a written essay. We encourage the use of notes, but aim to direct the talk to the audience; this is an opportunity to share enthusiasm and interest for a chosen artwork.