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Equality, diversity and inclusion

Please note, the content of this page is under review and will be updated in Autumn 2023.

Equal pay

Differentials in pay between women and men are a key indicator of unlawful sex discrimination in the workplace.

The Gallery is committed to sharing its gender pay gap data and using this to underpin strategies and practices to ensure fair and equal pay in all areas of work.

2020–21 gender pay gap data

  1. Difference in mean hourly rate of pay – mean: 12.1%
  2. Difference in median hourly rate pf pay – median: 5.2%
  3. Difference in mean bonus pay – mean: 81%
  4. Difference in median bonus pay – median: 81%
  5. Percentage of employees who received bonus pay:
    Male 2%, Female 0.6%
  6. Employees by pay quartile:
    Upper quartile: Male 46%, Female 54%
    Upper middle quartile: Male 39%, Female 61%
    Lower middle quartile: Male 30%, Female 70%
    Lower quartile: Male 18%, Female 82% 

Reports dating back to 2017 can be viewed on

Employment policies and procedures

The Gallery has for many years recognised the scope for potential discrimination in employment practices. The Human Resources Department reviews policies, procedures and practices not only to eliminate unlawful and unfair discrimination, but also to promote equality and inclusiveness for all.

The Gallery consults the trade unions as part of the development of key policies. Policies and procedures are available to staff in the Staff Handbook or on the internal network as appropriate.


The Gallery aims to attract and retain people who are the best in their field, with the right skills and competences, and with a range of diverse backgrounds.

As part of the improvement in monitoring arrangements, the data referred to in the section concerning our workforce profile will be collected and analysed to enable better monitoring of our recruitment processes.

Flexible working

The Gallery Flexible Working Policy is open to all colleagues. It is recognised that it is not just working parents and carers of adults who have responsibilities and interests outside of the workplace.

Our flexible working policy allows all colleagues with the requisite qualifying time in our employ to request to work flexibly, regardless of their personal circumstances.

The Gallery seeks to accommodate requests for flexible working arrangements, wherever business needs enable this. Over the past four years the Gallery has an average maternity return rate of 80%. According to the Department of Trade and Industry the national average maternity return rate is 60%.


Tackling harassment is an important element of ensuring equality. The Gallery is committed to providing an environment in which colleagues are treated with dignity and in which genuine complaints concerning behaviour or treatment may be raised without fear of reprisals.

Our bullying and harassment statement, which is part of our terms and conditions of employment, makes clear that harassment or bullying will not be tolerated. Additionally, our disciplinary rules make clear that action may be taken against any colleague who harasses or bullies. Any colleague found to have victimised another for complaining, for supporting a colleague or for giving evidence about harassment may also be subject to disciplinary action.

The Gallery will be reviewing its policies to ensure adequate provision is made for the raising and investigation of complaints. Additionally, as part of the improvement in monitoring arrangements, we will report on grievances brought by employees including those relating to discrimination, harassment or victimisation on the grounds of sex. Confidentiality will be maintained and individuals will not be identified in any such reports.

Training and development

The Gallery provides diversity training with the aim of raising staff awareness across all diversity strands. Additionally, more in-depth diversity training is provided to those with key management responsibilities such as recruitment.

We will provide diversity awareness training as a regular feature of the corporate training and development programme and introduce required training for senior staff and staff with particular responsibility for working with the public, and for managing and working with others. Additionally, we will put in place a range of self managed learning resources on equality issues, including gender.

As part of the improvement of monitoring arrangements, we will also collect and analyse data concerning access to training.

Initial priorities for action

This section outlines the initial action plan:

  • Standard inclusion to be prepared and included in new job descriptions - all staff to be reminded of their responsibility to act in ways that support equality and value diversity
  • Equality monitoring and reporting system to be established
  • Equal Pay Audit to be further developed
  • Initial impact assessment to be undertaken of key employment policies and procedures
  • Arrangements for raising and investigating complaints to be reviewed
  • Further development of diversity training including the introduction of self-managed learning resources and guidance concerning language usage
  • Review of the Access Group including role, composition and title