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The Unmasking of Tura's 'Allegorical Figure': A Painting and its Concealed Image

Jill Dunkerton, Ashok Roy and Alistair Smith
Technical Bulletin Volume 11, 1987


Written in three sections: 1) hypotheses on the allegorical figure by Cosimo Tura in the context of similar associated works; 2) description of the technical examination and restoration treatment; 3) description of the artist's technique and alterations to the painting's composition.

The painting was executed with an essentially early Netherlandish painting technique. The technical examination included the poplar panel, the paint, ground, and varnish and previous restoration by Molteni in 1858. Treatment involved cleaning with methylated spirits, panel treatment, and retouching.


alcohol, cleaning, paint, paintings, retouching, varnish

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The Unmasking of Tura's 'Allegorical Figure': A Painting and its Concealed Image, Jill Dunkerton, Ashok Roy and Alistair Smith (PDF 28.79MB)

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Dunkerton, J., Roy, A., Smith, A. 'The Unmasking of Tura's "Allegorical Figure": A Painting and its Concealed Image'. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 11, pp 5–35.


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