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The Materials and Technique of Five Paintings by Rogier van der Weyden and his Workshop

Rachel Billinge, Lorne Campbell, Jill Dunkerton, Susan Foister, Jo Kirby, Jennie Pilc, Ashok Roy, Marika Spring and Raymond White
Technical Bulletin Volume 18, 1997


The known facts about Rogier van der Weyden's life are summarised. Previous examinations of three panels and new medium analyses on all five are presented. All the panels are oak with chalk and glue primings. Four have a thin, pale grey or grey/pink imprimatura of toned lead white over the freehand underdrawing in black paint, and some incised lines on top of this. Flesh and drapery painting are discussed in detail. Madder and kermes dyestuffs were found. Some panels had egg tempera underpainting. Linseed was the principal oil used, walnut oil was present in one white veil, and pine resin was added to a red glaze.

The panels span a 30-year period and include consistent materials which conform to Netherlandish practice. One panel appears to be by the master's hand, three by three different assistants, and the fifth by a distinct group of hands.


artists' materials, Netherlandish, painting techniques, panel paintings, Rogier van der Weyden

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'The Materials and Technique of Five Paintings by Rogier van der Weyden and his Workshop'. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 18, pp 68–86.

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