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In Search of Verrocchio the Painter: The Cleaning and Examination of 'The Virgin and Child with Two Angels'

Jill Dunkerton and Luke Syson
Technical Bulletin Volume 31, 2010


Verrocchio was the leading Florentine sculptor of the later 15th century and also famous as a teacher of painters, including Leonardo da Vinci. However, there has been little agreement as to what he painted, or indeed whether he ever executed paintings himself.

The cleaning and restoration of The Virgin and Child with Two Angels has provided an opportunity for a detailed technical examination, including infrared reflectography. When these results are considered in conjunction with Verrocchio’s sculptures and drawings, it becomes possible not only to identify Verrocchio as a painter, but also to understand better how he collaborated with his pupils.


Andrea del Verrocchio, Lorenzo di Credi, Leonardo da Vinci, panel painting, egg tempera, mordant gilding, shell gold, mosaic gold, pouncing, infrared reflectography, underdrawing, restoration, workshops, pigments, pricked cartoons 

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In Search of Verrocchio the Painter: The Cleaning and Examination of 'The Virgin and Child with Two Angels', Jill Dunkerton and Luke Syson (PDF 28.71MB)

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Dunkerton, J., Syson, L. 2010. 'In Search of Verrocchio the Painter: The Cleaning and Examination of '"The Virgin and Child with Two Angels'''. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 31, pp 4–41.

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