Lead author Dr Amanda Lillie is Reader in the History of Art at the University of York. Her research interests focus on 15th- and 16th-century Italian architecture, on which she has published a number of articles and books. Her book ‘Florentine Villas in the 15th Century’ came out in paperback in 2011. She is currently writing a book on air, landscape and concepts of the environment in Renaissance Italy.
Key contributor Dr Caroline Campbell is Curator of Italian Paintings before 1500 and Loans Curator at the National Gallery. From 2005 to 2012 she was Schroder Foundation Curator of Paintings at the Courtauld Gallery, London. She has published widely on Italian Renaissance art, and her past exhibitions include ‘Bellini and the East’, ‘Love and Marriage in Renaissance Florence’ and ‘Temptation in Eden: Lucas Cranach’s Adam and Eve’.
Key contributor Alasdair Flint is currently writing his AHRC-funded PhD thesis entitled 'Constructing Mary's House: The Architecture of the Annunciation in Central and Northern Italy, 1400–1500', part of a collaborative research project between the University of York and the National Gallery.
Caroline Elam is a Senior Research Fellow at the Warburg Institute, University of London. From 1987 to 2002 she was Editor of ‘The Burlington Magazine’. She has published extensively on art, architecture, patronage and urbanism in Renaissance Florence, and is currently working on a book about Renaissance plans, views and descriptions of Florence.
Dr Jessica Gritti currently works as a research fellow and teaching assistant at the Università Cà Foscari in Venice and the Politecnico di Milano. Her specialist interests include Lombard Renaissance architecture in Milan and Cremona, and in 2011 she took part in the research project on the architectural drawings of the Cathedral of Milan.
Dr Charles Robertson teaches History of Art at Oxford Brookes University. He has published on art and architecture in Renaissance Milan and the work of Michelangelo. His research is concerned with the relationship between painting and architecture.
Dr Arnika Schmidt was appointed Vivmar Curatorial Assistant at the National Gallery in London in October 2012, after completing her doctoral research at the University of Dresden. At the Gallery she works on the pre-1600 and post-1800 paintings.
Dr Jennifer Sliwka is the Howard and Roberta Ahmanson Fellow in Art and Religion at the National Gallery, where she is responsible for developing new research projects on this theme. She received a PhD from Johns Hopkins University for her thesis on Domenico Beccafumi, and has published on various aspects of his work.
Amanda Lillie and Caroline Campbell would like to thank the following people, who have all helped in various ways, generously giving their time and expertise:
Paul Ackroyd; Susanna Avery-Quash; Brenda Bachelor; Graeme Barraclough; Rachel Billinge; Julia Blanks; Suzanne Bosman; Xanthe Brooke; Alison Brown; Beverly Brown; Stephanie Buck; Caroline Bugler; Howard Burns; Aviva Burnstock; Sarah Burton; Katie Carder; Peter Carl; David Chan; Hugo Chapman; T.J. Clark; Michael Clarke; Martin Clayton; Matthew Cohen; Donal Cooper; Sylvia Cox; Alan Crookham; Paul Davies; Tina Di Carlo; Nicholas Donaldson; Jill Dunkerton; Veronique Dupont; Caroline Elam; Ursula Fauré-Romanelli; Agnes Fazakas; Rupert Featherstone; Max Fend; Michael Fend; Rachael Fenton; Martha Fiennes; Alasdair Flint; Susan Foister; Howard Freeman; Ciara Gallagher; Anthony Geraghty; Albert Godycki; John Goodall; Peter Gornstein; Robert Gray; Jan Green; Jessica Gritti; Mark Hallett; Claire Hallinan; Martin Halusa; Sarah Hardy; Alison Harpur; Gill Hart; Jane Hawkes; Kate Heard; David Hemsoll; Matthew Hirst; Niall Hobhouse; Will Hunter; James Jago; Tracy Jones; Larry Keith; Nicola Kennedy; Leah Kharibian; Liz Kent; Denise King; Tim Knox; Daniela Lamberini; Hermione Lee; John Leighton; Amanda Levete; Naomi Lewis; Ralph Lieberman; Livia Lupi; Mark Macdonald; Neil MacGregor; Jonathan Marsden; Anthony Masinton; Danny Metcalf; Minna Moore-Ede; Matthew Morgan; Philip Morris; Peter Muggleston; Susie Murphy; Mauro Mussolin; Melissa Naylor; Fabrizio Nevola; Charles Noble; Mel Northover; Jeanne Nuechterlein; Michelle O'Malley; Patrick O’Sullivan; Chris Oberon; David Packer; Joseph Padfield; Régine Page; Nicholas Penny; Belinda Phillpot; Daniele Pisani; Carol Plazzotta; Natasha Podro; Liz Prettejohn; Brenda Preyer; Lucy Purcell; Razeetha Ram; John David Rhodes; Lee Riley; Jane Roberts; Charles Robertson; Angela Roche; Sonia Roe; Ashok Roy; Samantha Saward; Peter Schade; Arnika Schmidt; Richard Schofield; David Scrase; Karen Serres; Charlotte Sexton, Francesca Sidhu; Anna Siebert; Christine Sitwell; Mark Slattery; Jennifer Sliwka; Marika Spring; Miranda Stacey; Lesley Stevenson; Eloise Stewart; Mat Sunderland; Jesper Svenningsen; Deborah Swallow; Luke Syson; Katy Tarbard; David Taylor; Jacqueline Thalmann; Fernanda Torrente; Cecilia Treves; Letizia Treves; Sarah Jessica Turner; Luke Uglow; Ernst Vegelin van Claerbergen; Mona Walsh; Aidan Weston-Lewis; Catherine Whistler; Rachel Whiteread; Matthias Wivel; Alison Wright; Peter Zumthor.