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Jean Béraud, 'After the Misdeed', about 1885 - 90

Key facts
Full title After the Misdeed
Artist Jean Béraud
Artist dates 1849 - 1936
Date made about 1885 - 90
Medium and support Oil on canvas
Dimensions 38.1 × 46 cm
Acquisition credit On loan from Tate: Presented by Mlle Emilie Yznaga 1937
Inventory number L688
Location Not on display
Image copyright On loan from Tate: Presented by Mlle Emilie Yznaga 1937, © ADAGP, Paris and DACS, London 2005
Collection Main Collection
Previous owners
After the Misdeed
Jean Béraud

This work can be placed among the artist's genre paintings of late 19th-century Paris. Here the tone is moralising. The subject of women who fell prey both to their own passions and to the opposite sex was popular in England and France in the 19th century.

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