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The Berggruen Collection

This is a major collection of 19th and 20th-century works of art which belong to the German-born collector Heinz Berggruen. In 1991 a selection of works from this collection was generously loaned to the National Gallery for a period of five years. These loans included significant works by Picasso, Cezanne, Van Gogh, Seurat and Braque.

In July 1996 the loan period came to an end and a large part of the collection moved to Berlin to be displayed in the old Antikensammlung near the Charlottenburg Palace. However, those pictures most relevant to the Gallery will remain on loan here for a further period, until the end of April 2001. These include five paintings by Cezanne, Seurat's exquisite Poseuses and three of his small Conte crayon drawings.