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Antonio Mancini, 'Adieu Paris ('The Customs')', 1877

Key facts
Full title Adieu Paris ('The Customs')
Artist Antonio Mancini
Artist dates 1852 - 1930
Date made 1877
Medium and support oil on canvas
Dimensions 73.7 × 59.1 cm
Inscription summary Signed
Acquisition credit Sir Hugh Lane Bequest, 1917, The National Gallery, London. In partnership with Hugh Lane Gallery, Dublin.
Inventory number NG3255
Location On loan: Long Loan to The Hugh Lane (2019 - 2031), Dublin City Gallery The Hugh Lane, Dublin, Ireland
Collection Main Collection
Adieu Paris ('The Customs')
Antonio Mancini

On his first visit to Paris in 1875 Mancini signed a contract to supply pictures to a leading dealer, Goupil & Cie. On a second visit to the French capital in 1877, cut short by a mental breakdown – he never returned – Mancini delivered five paintings to Goupil, including this work. It shows an elegant if wistful young woman, surrounded by trunks and the paraphernalia of travel, who is preparing to leave Paris. Customs agents may soon arrive to inspect her belongings. It represented a change in direction for the artist, a richly detailed scene from contemporary Paris life popular with sophisticated French and foreign collectors, but unlike the more evocative depictions of Italian waifs and urchins on which Mancini was building his reputation. The Irish-born collector Hugh Lane, a Mancini enthusiast, acquired it for the Municipal Gallery of Modern Art he founded in Dublin early in the twentieth century

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