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Antoine Vollon, 'View of the Harbour at Marseilles', about 1882

Key facts
Full title View of the Harbour at Marseilles
Artist Antoine Vollon
Artist dates 1833 - 1900
Date made about 1882
Medium and support Oil on canvas
Dimensions 60.6 × 73.3 cm
Inscription summary Signed
Acquisition credit On loan from Tate: Presented by T.W. Bacon 1926
Inventory number L734
Location Not on display
Image copyright On loan from Tate: Presented by T.W. Bacon 1926, © 2000 Tate
Collection Main Collection
View of the Harbour at Marseilles
Antoine Vollon

Vollon stayed in Marseilles in 1879, 1880, 1882, and briefly in February 1887. This painting depicts the northern end of the Old Port, and is one of a number of views of the city's harbours by the artist.

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