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Abraham Raguineau, 'Portrait of a Young Man in Grey', 1657

Key facts
Full title Portrait of a Young Man in Grey
Artist Abraham Raguineau
Artist dates 1623 - 1681 or later
Date made 1657
Medium and support oil on wood
Dimensions 73.8 × 59.8 cm
Inscription summary Signed; Dated and inscribed
Acquisition credit Bought, 1901
Inventory number NG1848
Location Not on display
Collection Main Collection
Portrait of a Young Man in Grey
Abraham Raguineau

The unknown young man in the portrait looks out gravely but with the hint of a smile about his mouth. He wears garments fashionable in 1657, the year the painting was made: a flat lace collar, the two ends of the stock that ties it peeping out below, and multiple buttons down the coat, left undone a little way to allow his silk shirt to protrude. A little more unusually, the seam of the coat sleeve is also open to display the body of his shirt. He has a cloak flung casually over his left arm.

Little is known of the artist, Abraham Raguineau, except that he is likely to have lived in the Dutch town of ’s-Hertogenbosch.

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