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Preserving art for the nation

The work of our Conservation, Scientific and Framing Departments shapes the way we experience the nation’s art collections, at home in Trafalgar Square, and throughout the UK.

Thanks to the Aldama Foundation’s generous support of our National Conservation Programme, we are able to research, preserve and enhance important paintings in publicly accessible collections across the country.

The programme helps to ensure that such collections without the resources to undertake conservation treatments can reach out to the National Gallery to have their works considered for conservation by our team.

The Foundation’s support has also enabled the recruitment of our Aldama Conservation Fellow, Silvia Tagliante, and will support the recruitment of an Aldama Scientific Fellow: two roles that will provide invaluable work in the lead-up to our Bicentenary celebrations in 2024 and beyond.

Behind the scenes in Conservation

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Framing the national collection

The support of the Aldama Foundation enables our Framing Department to continue their important work.

Alongside acquiring, adapting and restoring frames for works in the collection, the Framing Department is central to the Gallery’s ability to loan works for temporary exhibitions, preparing works from the collection to be viewed throughout the UK and around the world.

With the Framing Acquisition Fund as a resource, the team can make purchases when suitable frames, contemporary to the collection, become available. Such frames are rare and in high demand.

Learn about some of the projects supported by the Aldama Foundation: