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Probably by Edouard Bertin, 'View of the Gorge at Civita Castellana', 1826-7

Key facts
Full title View of the Gorge at Civita Castellana
Artist Probably by Edouard Bertin
Artist dates 1797 - 1871
Date made 1826-7
Medium and support Oil on paper laid on canvas
Dimensions 31 × 37 cm
Acquisition credit The Gere Collection, on long-term loan to the National Gallery
Inventory number L791
Location Room 42
Image copyright The Gere Collection, on long-term loan to the National Gallery, © Private collection 2000. Used by permission
Collection Main Collection
View of the Gorge at Civita Castellana
Probably by Edouard Bertin

The fortified medieval town of Civita Castellana lies fifty-four miles north of Rome on the Via Flaminia, one of the ancient routes through the Roman Campagna. In ancient times, it was a strategically important Etruscan settlement. During the Renaissance the fortress was converted into an imposing octagonal castle known as La Rocca.

The artist uses characteristically thick lines to accentuate the sculptural aspect of the rock formations, while free brushstrokes evoke the texture of the natural surroundings and the fall of light on rocks and greenery.

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