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Past exhibition

11 May – 25 September 2011

Admission free

A display of work by primary schools inspired by the workshop of Andrea del Verrocchio's 'Tobias and the Angel'.

Take One Picture is the National Gallery’s innovative project for primary schools. The works on display here demonstrate the innovative ways in which schools have responded to the workshop of Andrea del Verrocchio's Tobias and the Angel.

About Take One Picture

Teachers and pupils are invited to use a painting from the collection as a catalyst for learning across the curriculum. Hundreds of schools have been inspired by this year’s painting, Tobias and the Angel, made in the workshop of Verrocchio (about 1470–5).

About the painting 

In the biblical story, Tobias sets out on a long journey to collect money owed to his blind father Tobit. He is guided by the guardian angel Raphael, who instructs Tobias to remove the gall bladder of a fish in order to heal his father’s blindness.

Several well-known artists trained in Verrocchio’s workshop, including Leonardo da Vinci, who may be responsible for some parts of the painting, including the lively dog.

Take One Picture is generously supported by The Dorset Foundation and by The Tavalozza Foundation