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Wright of Derby's 'Mr and Mrs Coltman': An Unlined English Painting

Martin Wyld and David Thomas
Technical Bulletin Volume 10, 1986


Mr and Mrs Thomas Coltman by Joseph Wright 'of Derby', a double portrait of the 1770s, is one of the few known paintings of that period which have never been lined. Because the painting was in reasonably good condition, structural treatment was confined to an absolute minimum. After the painting was cleaned, the tacking edges were strip-lined and the canvas was remounted on a blind stretcher. A diagram of the mount and a radiograph of the painting are included in the text.


canvas, lining, mounting, paintings

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Wright of Derby's 'Mr and Mrs Coltman': An Unlined English Painting, Martin Wyld and David Thomas (PDF 7.12MB)

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Wyld, M., Thomas, D. 'Wright of Derby's "Mr and Mrs Coltman": An Unlined English Painting'. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 10, pp 28–32.

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