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Lining and Colour Change: Further Results

Sarah Staniforth and David Bomford
Technical Bulletin Volume 9, 1985


The continuation of the investigations into the possible colour changes in paintings linked with the use of various lining adhesives is described. The two adhesives used in the present work were glue-paste and Beva 371. Two canvases presized with glue had five different grounds applied to them: flake white, titanium white acrylic primer, gesso with rabbit-skin glue, calcium carbonate with rabbit-skin glue, and red ochre in rabbit-skin glue.

A detailed description is given of sample preparation and treatments before the reflectance measurements were carried out. Results are tabulated together with those obtained in earlier work, when the adhesive was wax resin. The authors conclude that, because many different factors come into play, relining can have a significant visual effect and should be carried out with care.


acrylic, adhesives, calcium carbonate, colour, gesso, glue, lining, ocher, paintings, primer, resin, sample preparation, wax

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Staniforth, S., Bomford, D. 'Lining and Colour Change: Further Results'. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 9, pp 65–69.

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