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Uccello's 'Saint George and the Dragon': Technical Evidence Re-evaluated

Jill Dunkerton and Ashok Roy
Technical Bulletin Volume 19, 1998


Paint samples taken in 1959 were re-examined and further samples analysed. The study in 1959 had noted a complex structure for the priming, on top of a layer of gesso: X-radiography and infrared reflectography of less densely painted areas now suggest that the canvas had an earlier, simple design, which was obliterated with a new priming before Uccello worked on the present composition. This clarifies the layer structure of the priming, and confirms that the artist's painting technique was simple and direct, as noted in 1959.


painting techniques, Paolo Uccello, scientific analysis

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Uccello's 'Saint George and the Dragon': Technical Evidence Re-evaluated, Jill Dunkerton and Ashok Roy (PDF 4.47MB)

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Dunkerton, J., Roy, A. 'Uccello's "Saint George and the Dragon": Technical Evidence Re-evaluated'. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 19, pp 26–30.


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