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Two Wings of an Altarpiece by Martin van Heemskerck

Jill Dunkerton, Aviva Burnstock and Alistair Smith
Technical Bulletin Volume 12, 1988


The cleaning and restoration of two altar wing panels (attributed to the post-Italian period of Martin van Heemskerck) at the National Gallery, London, are described. Each panel has two figures on the front and a grisaille saint on the reserve. The condition and unframing of the panels are described. Technical examination of the oak panels identified chalk grounds with glue size, underdrawing grids, and a tinted priming, primuerse. Pigments and media (linseed and walnut oils) were identified. The panels represent the complex interrelationships between paintings of northern Europe and that of Italy.


altarpieces, cleaning, Europe (North), glue, Italy, media, National Gallery (London), oil, paintings

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Two Wings of an Altarpiece by Martin van Heemskerck, Jill Dunkerton, Aviva Burnstock and Alistair Smith (PDF 18.82MB)

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Dunkerton, J., Burnstock, A., Smith, A. 'Two Wings of an Altarpiece by Martin van Heemskerck'. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 12, pp 16–35.

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