Decoding pictures tour
How do paintings talk to us? What details are they sharing while silently chatting on our walls?
Take a tour of the Gallery with a difference. Join our educators to discover paintings and learn interesting ways to explore what they are telling us.
Consider our educator’s questions and feel curious to ask any of your own. Chat with your family and take away simple, playful techniques that you can use next time you visit.
On this special weekend, help us warm up the new Centre for Creative Learning and be a part of your National Gallery’s next adventure. Come and discover all the exciting spaces the new Centre has to offer with a variety of creative workshops, interactive tours and fun for all the family.

Family Welcome Weekend
Decoding pictures tour
Free, drop-in sessions
Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
Spaces are limited, and wristbands will be given on a first-come, first-served basis from 10:30am.